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1. The renter shall return the vehicle, together with all tyres, tools, documents, accessories and equipment to the rental location stated in the contract. If the vehicle is returned outside the rental location’s opening hours, time of delivery will be at the rental locations proximate opening. The period of the contract is as specified in the contract. This period may be extended with the written permission of CARRENT. If the vehicle is not returned within the contract period, the renter is liable for all losses and damage occurring after the contract period until the time of delivery. Failure to deliver the vehicle within the contract period or cases of non-payment, will result in the renter being subject to the Penal Code § 293.

2. The renter, on receipt of the vehicle, shall examine the vehicle’s brakes, steering, indicators and lights and ensures that these are functional according to current regulations. The seals on the mileage recorder must remain intact and if they are broken the renter shall forfeit his deposit in favour of CARRENT. The renter has received the vehicle in good condition and acknowledges liability for the cost of all fuel, oil and water consumed during the rental period. In the event of accidental mishap, for instance a puncture, where help is called, this is at the renter’s own expense. For leasing and monthly rentals all costs for roadside service must be paid by the renter if engine failure is self-inflicted.

3. The vehicle must only be operated by the renter and additional drivers who are electronically printed in the car rental agreement and duly qualified and licensed. The age limits for rental is 21 years. The driver must have had a valid driver’s license for at least one year. The vehicle may not be used

a) to carry passengers or goods for a consideration, explicit or implied, unless the renter holds the necessary bus, taxi or freight permits.
b) to tow any vehicle or trailer, unless the vehicle is fitted with approved tow bar and the load limits are observed.
c) at motering events, driving courses, race tracks etc.
d) for driving with construction material or goods or food which involve obnoxious odours or major mechanical wear, unless the rented vehicle is constructed for this purpose.
e) for driving outside firm roads or sites, including gravel roads and dirt roads.
f) to transport dogs and other animals unless it is electronically printed on the front page of the rental agreement. The renter is responsible for any extra cleaning.
g) by any person under the influence of alcohol, medicine or drugs.
h) The vehicle may not be fitted with roof racks.

4. The renter or additional driver expressively acknowledges personal liability to pay the lessor, on demand:

a) the agreed amounts mentioned on page 1, including insurance premiums, taxes and tariffs according to current legislation.
b) CARRENT can not always check the car at drop-off – why the renter's liability first is ending after our cleaning has checked the car, this not more than 2 hours after the rental has ended.
c) additional expenses for delivery/collection as well as kilometre charge to our nearest station, if a written agreement with the lessor does not exist.
d) all fines, costs and fees for traffic or parking violations imposed on the vehicle renter, or lessor during the rental period, except where the violation was the fault of the lessor.
e) expenses imposed on the lessor by the renter, such as reasonable legal fees where permitted by law, debt collection fees etc.
f) the lessor’s expenses for repairs of damages and any secondary damage on the vehicles, as a result of intention, gross negligence or other violations displayed by the renter or co-driver, regard-less on any collision damage waiver, including but not limited to refuelling the vehicle with the wrong type of fuel, failure to react to warning signals from the vehicle’s systems etc. If the vehicle is returned in extraordinarily dirty condition CARRENT is entitled to charge the renter a fee for extra cleaning, regardless of any insurances taken.
g) lessor’s costs of repairing collision or other damage, in the event of theft and of procuring an extra key, if the original key is lost. Provided the vehicle is operated in accordance with all the terms of the rental agreement, the renter’s max. liability per accident is DKK 7.000 and DKK 450 per day the vehicle is out of production. The above mentioned loss shall be waived if the renter has purchased in advance the collision waiver as endorsed by his intials in the “Accepts” space provided on page 1 hereof. The car insurance however only cowers damage to the car and liability, but not theft of the car, and not the renters belongings. The insurance (SCDW) does not cover glas, tyre and road assistance.
h) If the original keys are lost and the car is stolen, the lessor shall demand payment of excess and loss of use from the renter, no matter which insurances as per art 4.f. have been signed by the renter. The renter must inform CARRENT immediately after realising that the key has been lost. Failure to do so will result in excess and compensation for loss of use being charged. The key must be kept safely at all times. In case of gross negligence by the renter he/she is liable for losses in connection with this.
i) In case of damages to all vehicles from group 4 and up, incl. thermo, aluminium truck body, tarpaulin, frame, and damages that happen as a result of collision with a low entry or ceiling in for example gate, garage, bridge/viaduct etc. there is ALWAYS a mandatory excess of DKK 7.000 regardless of any collision damage waiver. The excess charge will also be charged on consequential damage from the above mentioned collisions on sunshades, gates, viaducts, basement garages, poles etc.
j) In case of wrong fuel type added to the vehicle, you will be charged for extra DKK 7.000,- and if you Ad-Blue to a petrol vehicle you will be charged for DKK 15.000,-
k) We always charge DKK 2.000,- in security deposit.
l) In case smoking hass occured inside the vehicle, there will be charged DKK 3.500,-
m) Parking tickets can be handed in at the Carrent office. The amount will be deducted from the deposit. In case of non-reported parking tickets, carrent will deduct DKK 500,- per fine.

5. The renter and any operator authorised by art 3. above, is insured under an automobile insurance policy, a copy of which is available for inspection at the head office of the lessor. The policy contains public liability and damage to property insurance within the limts required by law in the country where the vehicle is registered. The renter is bound by and agrees to the terms and conditions of this policy, it being understood that it is a standard motor vehicle policy in the country where the vehicle is registered. In addition the renter agrees to protect the interests of the lessor and the lessor’s insurance company in the event of an accident during the term of the rental contract by:

a) obtaining names and addresses of parties involved, vehicle registration number and/or witnesses.
b) not admitting liability or guilt.
c) not abandoning the vehicle without making adequate provision for its safeguard and security. Renter is also required to give a detailed report including diagram to the lessor and fill in the accident report.
d) calling the nearest rental location of the lessor by telephone even in the event of slight or minor damage.
e) notifying the police immediately if the guilt of another party has to be ascertained or if people are injured.

6. The lessor shall not be held responsible for loss or damage to any property left, stored or transported by the renter or any other person in the vehicle before, during or after the term of the rental contract. Furthermore the lessor shall not be held responsible for any claims or costs arising from such loss or damage. The renter agrees to defend and indemnify the lessor in the event of such claims or costs.

7. The lessor, whilst taking all precautions and using his best efforts to prevent such happening, shall not be held responsible for mechanical failure of the vehicle or consequential damage. The renter must always lock the vehicle when it is not in use. All repairs must be authorised by CARRENT. Without such authorisation, expenses for transport, towing, repairs at workshop etc. will not be refunded. The renter must be able to refer to the rental station and the person with whom he/she has spoken.

8. Additions or amendments to his contract are void, unless agreed upon in writing.


10. The lessor can cancel this contract without notice.



11. Renter can cancel his booking, free of charge, up to 7 days before pick-up.

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